Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Heart for Haiti

Artists and photographers from all over are donating works of art to raise funds for the earthquake victims. Gallery MacEgan and the town of Madison, NJ has put together a project to print valentines to sell to local schoolchildren, and this is a collage I did for the event. I used pages from an old book, cut out letters from a newspaper, house paint, and acrylic. 
It's heartbreaking to see the footage and read about these poor Haitians, who are not only without shelter, but starving as well. Supposedly anyone who can come up with a meal is obligated to share with as many people as he or she can.....and that can mean as much as twenty others. Most folks don't even have the 15 cents to buy a plate of rice and beans. It's so sad. I wish I had the skills needed to go down and volunteer.